Huwebes, Abril 18, 2013

I was, I am and I will

Whoot hot !
Great to touch keyboards again. I miss converting everything in my mind in a blog. It has been a year or so since the last blog update I did. Its so nostalgic.

For the last year been busy with my life. Proving to the world what it has to be a Six lettered name with an explosive surname. The last year was a whirlwind, more than a roller coaster ride. If 2006 was my transition to teen hood, then 2011 was my turning to adult hood. Crazy right ! Of course, after college everybody expect you to get a job the next day and work and sleep and work and play and sleep and work and work and work. The last sentence you read was just exactly what happened to me. The difference is between work and sleep, there are bunch of things in between.

Its safe to say that 2011 was my stepping stone to a real, bolder, and heaven and hell world. Been a tax payer, employee, friend, a best friend, shopaholic, stress eater, and a lover. Hence, it was also the year when Papa died, that made me an orphan. No words can exactly describe how painful to lose your only strength and inspiration. That, until now I am still moving on from that lost. But regardless of pain and lost I've been through, the Lord has better plans for us. That made me feel at ease for I know that his will are better than mine.

That same year I got a job that will pay off my debts, wants, leisure, and happiness. So I start to build my self again, building the foundation of the tragic lost of my dad. Met tons of new people, renewed friendships with old friends and been close to others. Then I knew 2 adams that made my fairy tale story. One has a personal battle with his gender and the other is a two faced dream guy. They're the one who taught me how is it to be in a love story, but they're also the people taught me that fairy tales don't always have happy endings. I am not bitter - I just made a point. Its more like you will meet people in life that will teach you lessons, and I just got 2.

Now everything seems to be falling in their places. What I wanted to do is to go back to my roots, doing things I really wanted to do and be the epitome of the word LIFE. We only life once, so make the best out of it. Who cares if you are not doing good, at least you are doing things to improve. I'm gonna live while I'm young, I aint gonna stop till I get what I want. Im going to continue my pursuit of excellence. Its not easy but its fine. I might gonna make stupid decisions, get screwed up, drunk, gang raped, fall or even stumble. But what is important is not the fall, its how you stand up and keep a chin up.

We are living in the generations of UNLIMITED, so why give yourself a limit. Beyonce once said - Life is but a dream, so I'm gonna live a life I am dreaming of. I'm still young so Im going to use of my full energy level to win and get to the top. I'll never let anyone dictate what I need to do.

And most importantly, pay of the provider of everything in this world - God. I will do my best to be the man that God wanted me to be. I will start meditating every circumstances that will mold me to understand why am I here on this world. I wont be selfish enough to carry up my loads for I know my master wants to share a space in this journey. I'll start working on what God has planned for me. For without him I wont be the person I was, wont be the person I am and never the person I will be.

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