Waking up everyday is a wonderful thing isn’t it.
Being in the school or office, stuck in the traffic, nagged by your professor, or loaded by tons of paper works. Those are few of life’s everyday challenges. We may just take these for granted but these are God’s little miracles to us. Waking up in the morning is a simple miracle. How many mornings I have woke up and see the world passed by. How many days I have spent without thinking what would happen tomorrow. I tend to neglect things and people around me, and focus on myself alone.
Today, you will hear news about a fountain or falls that heals diseases and other sickness. You will see hundreds of crying and moving statues. You will meet hundreds of people claiming to witness or see divine apparitions and lastly, there are hundreds of people today claiming that they are God.
Take this for example; a well in Manoag, Pangasinan is known for its miraculous healing ability. As a believer, I will go to Manoag and drink the water to be healed. What do you think happen? Did the water really healed me or its my faith to God. Yes, It’s my faith to god that heals me. He used the water as his instrument to reach out believers. Nevertheless, we should not claim that the water alone could heal.
When we have problems and burdens, we call to God to help us solve it. We complain that we don’t have things we wanted, skills we wanted, and attention we wanted to have. And I guess, that is why we don’t have the blessings we needed to have because we tend to rely to God all the time. In school, you pray to God the he will let you pass the exam and will be the highest in your class. Instead of reviewing your exam, you played computer games the night before. Always remember: God won’t do for you what you can do for yourself. If He did, you won’t grow. We have to start in little things. And as God sees you faithful in small things, God will give you bigger things.

I know right now, you are facing a great struggle like me and like everyone else in the world. Perhaps, you are worried of you debts and other financial stability. Or maybe, you are in sour relationship with your partner or children. Or the pain of rejection, loss, suffering, and despair is hurting you right now. Like me, you have a burden; we all have our burdens but do not let them rein your soul. In our life, there are more blessing than burden. We all have valley of tears. But I don’t believe God wants you to walk through the valley of tears. Don’t build your house in that valley. Don’t stay there forever. Instead, walk through that burden and claim up to your victory. Claim the miracle that God had prepared for you. You only have to pray to him and asked his guidance and forgiveness. I assure you, you will receive the miracle right next to your door steps.
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TumugonBurahinI write and maintain a spiritual blog which I have titled “AccordingtotheBook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.
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TumugonBurahinthank u sir if u appreciate my blog. I felt joyful knowing that there are people appreciated my stories.